The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
Welcome to the information page for New Mexico Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT).
When you are approved for certain benefits such as SNAP/Cash, you will be issued an EBT card.
EBT Fraud
How to Protect Your EBT Benefits? An FAQ to help you secure your card and benefits on it can be found here.
General EBT Questions
When will I get my EBT card?
If this is your first SNAP or Cash assistance case with the New Mexico Human Services Department, your EBT card will be mailed to you on the first working day after your application is received by the local ISD office. You should receive your EBT card within 7 days of applying. If you do not receive your card, please contact the Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-283-4465, Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm., or call Fidelity Information Services (FIS) 1-800-843-8303 24 hours Customer Service.
How do I get my benefits with the EBT card?
Each month you are approved for your benefits will automatically be added to your NM EBT account. You will use the same EBT card every month to get your benefits. As you use your card to get cash or buy goods, your account balance will decrease.
When do I get my benefits?
Usually a partial benefit will be available the day after your application is processed. Ongoing benefits are available monthly. SNAP benefits (formerly food stamps) are distributed from the first of the month through the twentieth, depending on the last two digits of your Social Security Number. Cash benefits are issued on the first of the month, even if it falls on a weekend or on a holiday. Any benefits you have left over at the end of the month will be carried over to the next month.
Each month you are approved for, your cash benefit will be deposited in your EBT account on the first day of the month. Your SNAP/food benefits will be deposited into your EBT account on the day of the month in the box below, that lists the last two digits of the head of the household’s Social Security Number. (example: Head of Households last 2 digits of their Social Security Number is 27. Looking at the chart below, this client will receive their benefits regularly on the 14th of the month.)
Combined Schedule: If you have applied for SNAP/food assistance after the 15th day of any month and are approved for expedited assistance, you will receive your benefits according to the schedule below.
- You will receive your 1st and 2nd month’s benefits the day after your case is approved.
- You will receive your 3rd month’s benefits on the 1st day of the month.
- You will receive your 4th month’s benefits within the first 10 days of the month, depending on the last two digits of your SSN.
- You will receive your 5th month’s benefits within the first 20 days of the month, depending on the last two digits of your SSN.
This will be your regular day of the month to receive your future SNAP/food benefit.
What should I do if I lose my card?
If your EBT card is lost or stolen, immediately deactivate your card to protect your benefits. You can deactivate a card and order a new card through the ebtEDGE mobile app (Apple and Android play store), www.ebtedge.com, or call the 24-hour Fidelity Information Services (FIS) Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-843-8303. Your card will be immediately cancelled and if you request, a replacement card will be ordered. No one else will be able to use your card once you report it missing. Please verify your current address. If your address is not correct, please call the HSD/EBT Help Desk, Monday through Friday at 1-800-283-4465 to update our records. Reporting changes to your address will assure that your replacement card will be mailed to the correct address. You should receive your card in the mail within 7 days sooner. If you do not receive your card, please contact the EBT Help Desk at 1-800-283-4465 and let them know.
Is there a fee to replace my EBT card?
Yes, there is a fee of $1.25 for each EBT card that is ordered. EBT cards have a decades long expiration so please hold onto your cards.
What is a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?
A PIN is a four-digit secret number that allows only you to use your EBT card. You must call Customer Service to choose your new or replacement PIN. Never tell your PIN to anyone! If someone knows your PIN, they can use your card to get ALL of your benefits and those benefits will not be replaced or reimbursed.
How do I remember my PIN?
You will be asked to choose four numbers that are easy for you to remember, but hard for someone else to figure out. (Example, your child’s or parent’s birthday). Do not write your number on your EBT card and do not keep it written down in your wallet or purse.
How will I know my account balance?
The easiest way to know your account balance is to keep your receipts. If you don’t have your receipts, you may check your balance through the ebtEDGE mobile app, on the Internet at www.ebtedge.com or by calling the 24-hour Fidelity Information Services (FIS) Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-843-8303. You should always check your account balance before you go to get cash or shop.
Can I deposit money into my EBT account?
No. You may only withdraw money from your Cash account.
What if I plan to move or change my address?
When do I call the HCA Customer Service line 1-800-283-4465?
- Call if your card is lost, stolen or damaged.
- Call if your address has changed.
- Call if you have questions regarding your case or need help with your card.
EBT Card Care
How do I take care of my card?
- NEVER tell your PIN to anyone.
- Do not write your PIN on your card.
- Keep your card safe and clean.
- Do not bend your card.
- Keep your card away from magnets and electronic equipment, such as TVs, radios, microwaves, etc.
- Do not place it in direct sunlight (i.e., on your car’s dashboard).
What should I do if someone finds out my PIN?
Immediately call the 24-hour Fidelity Information Services (FIS) Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-843-8303 to select a new PIN or cancel your card and order a replacement card. You can also change your PIN on the Internet at www.ebtedge.com or through the ebtEDGE mobile app available through Google and Apple play stores.
EBT Use at the Store
How to use your EBT Card at the grocery stores
- Insert your EBT card into the Point-Of-Sale (POS) terminal OR hand your card to the cashier.
- Tell the cashier which account to charge (SNAP or Cash).
- Enter your four-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on the keypad and press the OK or ENTER key. Never give your PIN to anyone, not even the cashier.
- The amount of your purchase will be deducted from your EBT account.
- Get your receipt and make sure the information on the receipt is correct.
- Keep this receipt for your records. It will indicate your new balance. Retailers will not give you change for SNAP benefit purchases. Only the exact amount of your food purchase is deducted from your SNAP benefit account. You may use your Cash benefits at stores to purchase both food and non-food items (soap, diapers, etc.). Retailers can provide change/cash-back from your Cash account. Not all store policies are the same and some may choose not to offer cash back
Where can I use my EBT card?
You can use your EBT card at hundreds of participating grocers and ATMs (cash machines for Cash benefits only) across the country. You can also use your card wherever you see the Quest logo.
Use the link below to go to the Food and Nutrition Service’s website to locate retailers near an address that accept EBT.
What happens if the POS machine is not working?
If you want to purchase eligible food items with your SNAP benefits, and the POS machine is not working or there is not one at the store, the cashier will fill out a paper form called a food benefit voucher. The cashier will write in your EBT card number and the amount you are spending. DO NOT give the cashier your PIN. The cashier will call to see if you have enough benefits in your SNAP benefit account to buy the food. If there is enough in your SNAP benefit account, you will be asked to sign the voucher and will be given a copy of it. It is very important to keep this copy so you can subtract what you spent from the balance shown on your last EBT receipt. This will give you the current amount on your account. The store cannot process a manual voucher for Cash benefits.
EBT Use at the ATM
How to use your EBT Card for cash at an Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
- Insert or swipe your EBT card.
- Choose English or Spanish.
- Enter your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and press the OK or ENTER key.
- Select the key marked WITHDRAW CASH and then select CHECKING.
- Enter the amount you’d like in whole dollar amounts (for example, $20, $40, $60, etc.).
- Take your card, your receipt and your cash.
- Count your cash and compare it to your receipt.
- Keep your receipt to help you keep track of your balance the next time you need cash.
Can I go to a bank teller and withdraw money or inquire about my EBT account?
No. You can only use the ATM machine or use a cash-back/cash only withdrawal at a POS terminal to withdraw cash and check your balance.
Can I withdraw coins or cash denominations less than $5.00 from the ATM?
No. The smallest cash denomination that will be dispensed from a bank machine is usually a $10 or $20 dollar bill. The ATM menu will inform you of the cash denominations. If I have less than $10.00 worth of cash on my EBT card, how will I get it out? You can make a Point-of-Sale purchase or cash-back transaction at participating stores to get these funds.
Are there any transaction fees or surcharges for using my EBT card?
There is never a transaction fee for using your SNAP benefits to buy food with your EBT card. There is also never a transaction fee for using your Cash benefits to buy food or get cash at a POS machine. At ATMs, a 50-cent transaction fee is automatically taken out of your Cash account each time you withdraw cash. A surcharge is an additional fee charged by the owner of an ATM or POS machine for using that machine to make cash withdrawal. Surcharges, if any, for getting cash will also be taken from your account automatically. If you do not want to pay the surcharge, simply cancel your transaction and go to another ATM or POS location that does not charge a surcharge.
No Fees
- SNAP Benefit Purchases
- Cash Purchases
- Cash Back with Purchases
- Cash Withdrawals at a POS machine
- Cash Withdrawals at an ATM = 50 cents
- Surcharges
- Cash Withdrawals at certain ATMs and POS machines; look for a sign near the ATM or POS machine that tells you the surcharge amount
What if my card is taken by the ATM?
If your card is taken by the ATM, contact the 24-hour Fidelity Information Services (FIS) Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-843-8303.
For Retailers
Retailers interested in accepting EBT payments
If you are a retailer interested in participating in the SNAP program and accept EBT as a form of payment please contact the United States Department of Agriculture Food Nutrition Service (USDA-FNS) by phone 1-877-823-4369, or by accessing the USDA-FNS website: For Retailers http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailers/application-process.htm.If you are a retailer currently participating in the SNAP program and require assistance with your State issued equipment, need to order vouchers or require assistance with a transaction, please call the Fidelity Information Services (FIS) Customer Service Help Desk at 1-800-843-8303.