The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
Developmental Disabilities Waiver
The Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver program also known in New Mexico as the “traditional DD Waiver” is designed to provide Services and Supports that assist eligible children and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to participate as active members of their communities. The DD Waiver is one of several waivers available in New Mexico. The program serves as an alternative to institutional care.
New Mexico’s traditional DD Waiver Program is a person-centered, community-oriented approach to deliver supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The approach emphasizes:
- That people with IDD oversee their lives as much as possible.
- That people with IDD have opportunities to use resources in ways that enhance their lives and help them participate in their communities.
- A shared responsibility for the wise use of public dollars and the contribution that people with IDD and their families can make.
- That the system is managed in a way that is efficient and fair to everyone.
If you are interested in applying for DD Waiver or checking your status on the Central Registry, please visit the Pre-Service Intake section of our website.
If you are interested in providing services for the DD Waiver program, please visit our Provider Enrollment and Relations webpages.
Stakeholder Engagement
DDSD offers stakeholders and interested parties the opportunity to provide comments and feedback to DDSD about initiatives, service standards, and operations under the DD Waiver. Please continue checking here for any upcoming topics.
DDW Service Standards Simplification
- DD Waiver Service Standards Draft-Snapshot of Edits
- DD Waiver Service Standards-Draft
- DD Waiver Standards Feedback and DDSD Response
How to Apply
Please visit the Pre-Service Intake Webpages on this site and contact your Pre-Service Intake Specialist or the Pre-Service Intake Bureau at
505-350-0034 or 505-470-5825 Phone
505-533-6077 Fax
Pre-Service Intake Bureau Contact Sheet
Communication to the Field
DDSD releases a variety of different types of communications through email. If you would like to be part of DDSD’s interested parties’ list, please contact Tammy Barth.
Numbered Memos
These numbered memos provide important information for DD Waiver providers and interested parties.
2024 Numbered Memos
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-12: Revised Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Service Standards Effective 7/1/2024
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-11: BSC and Therapy Services Changes to Standards and In-Person & In-the-Residence Visit Clarification
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-10: Clarification on Developmental Disabilities Support Waiver
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-09: DDW Budget Submission Process- Document Requirements for Supported Living Categories 1-4
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-08: Client Rights, Grievance Process and ANE Reporting Acknowledgment Form
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-07: Nursing Progress Note in Therap
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-06: Statewide Aspiration List (SARL) Referral
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-05: Discontinuation of COTA/PTA Calculator
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-04: Discontinuation of Temporary Increase Amount of Environmental Modification and Assistive Technology
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-03: Clarification Regarding On Site PRN Medication
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-02: Discontinuing the Client Individual Assessment (CIA)
- DDW Numbered Memo 2024-01: Conclusion of “Jackson Class Members of Working Age Pilot”
2023 Numbered Memos
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-12: Page Replacements for DD Waiver Service Standards Effective Date 12-15-2023
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-11: Clarification Regarding Intake Tracking in Therap
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-10: Revised DD Waiver Service Standards Effective Date: 11-1-2023
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-08: Mandatory Use of Therap for Behavior Support Documentatio
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-07: Electronic Census Requirements in Therap
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-06: Preview of DD Waiver Service Standards Edits & Opportunity for Feedback
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-05: DD Waiver Standards Chapter 22.4: Preparation of an Annual Report
- DDW Memo Dated July 14, 2023: Clarification of Expectations for the Collaborative-Consultative (C-C) Model
(2021 DDW Standards section 12.4.2) - DDW Numbered Memo 2023-04: DD Waiver Budget Transitions from UNM & Outside Reviewer to Medicaid Third Party Assessor
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-03: Regional Office Request for Assistance (RORA) Provider Shortages
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-02: Instructions for Transition of Services Provided by Terminated Providers
- DDW Numbered Memo 2023-01: Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) Master List of Definitions
Reporting Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation
Call the Adult Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Hotline at 866-654-3219.
OR File a report online
Visit Division of Health Improvement pages for more information.
Contact Information
DDW Program Manager
Steven Fernandez