The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
Incident Management Bureau
Incident Management Bureau (IMB) conducts investigations and provides data-tracking of reported allegations of Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation (ANE) to improve the quality of services in order to prevent the abuse, neglect and exploitation of person receiving services in community based waiver programs. IMB takes a proactive and preventative approach to improve the quality of care for vulnerable individuals, served by community-based waiver programs.
The incident management process, is one component of an overall risk management strategy, it involves the collection, classification and use of incident data to protect people from harm. Used most effectively in caregiving, it is the equivalent of an aggressive risk management system, constantly collecting a complete array of information about the safety of its operations.
The IMB has implemented a comprehensive incident management policy, one designed to help all components of the system protect people from harm. The NMDOH policy assumes that unaddressed harm increases risk to an already vulnerable population, and has the potential to limit life choices available to those we serve. Correcting and avoiding harm is a critical component in establishing an everyday life for individuals and assuring that person-centered planning is a reality.
Incident management works with the following service types:
- Developmentally Disabled Waiver
- Medically Fragile Waiver
- Mi Via Waiver
- Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF–IID) – (Jackson Class Members only)
Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Provider Training
Please visit the Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Provider Training section of our website for information about ANE training, training opportunities, the trainer certification process or to obtain the complete packet of training materials.
Informal Reconsideration of Findings
Providers who wish to dispute the findings of a specific investigation report of ANE may do so by requesting an Informal Reconsideration of Findings (IRF).
Trending of Data
We maintain extensive databases to track patterns of incidents within community based providers. Annual trend reports are produced for the DDW providers. The trend reports are distributed to providers, other state agencies and the public.
NOTE: The report for this year is not yet available, and will be posted when it becomes available.
Recent Activity
- Incident Management Bureau Annual Report SFY23 (Report)
- Incident Management Bureau Annual Report SFY22 (Report)
- Incident Management Bureau Annual Report SFY21 (Report)