The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
DDW – Services and Supports
The DD Waiver program provides an array of residential, in home, community, employment, therapeutic and family support services for children and adults. DD Waiver is funded with state general funds appropriated by the New Mexico State Legislature and is matched with federal funds from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The DD Waiver services are intended to add to, not replace other supports a person has, such as medical services through New Mexico’s Medicaid State Plan, natural supports and other community services.
Service Standards
DDSD has standards to guide service delivery and promote the health and safety of individuals served by DDW Provider Agencies.
All Provider Agencies must have a contract with the Department of Health to provide DDW services and must comply with all applicable standards.
- Developmental Disabilities Waiver Service Standards
- Master List of Definitions
- Master List of Acronyms
Provider Selection Guide
DDSD has developed the Provider Selection Guide to assist individuals/families to select the right provider for their support needs. Please visit the Provider Selection Guide section of our website to learn more.
Case Management
Case Management services are person-centered and intended to support people in pursuing their desired life outcomes while gaining independence and access to needed services and supports. CM services must promote and encourage a safe and abuse, neglect, and exploitation free environment for persons in an IDD program. Essential elements of Case Management include activities related to advocacy, assessment, planning, linking, and monitoring. DD Waiver Case Managers also play an important role in allocation, annual medical and financial recertification, record keeping, and budget approvals.
Living Care Arrangements
This includes customized in home supports, family living, supported living, intensive medical living services and respite.
Community Supports and Employment
Includes customized community supports and community integrated employment.
Providers of CCS and CIEs work with the individual, family and interdisciplinary team to develop a Person-Centered Assessment (PCA). The PCA is a process that results in a written report that brings out important information about a person. The PCA helps to customize the supports a person needs to engage in community activities or to get and keep employment.
Professional Services
Includes physical therapy, speech and communication therapy, occupational therapy, and behavior support consultation.
Other Waiver Services
Includes adult nursing, preliminary risk screening and consultation, socialization and sexuality education, supplemental dental care and nutritional counseling; environmental modification, personal support technology, assistive technology, independent living transition, non-medical transportation and crisis supports.
All services covered under the DD Waiver program are available to adults, age 18 years or older, based on clinical justification or medical necessity.
Children’s category services is a subgroup of waiver services. Not all DD Waiver services are available to children. Children’s category applies to individuals under the age of 18 these services include:
- Case Management
- Behavior Support Consultation
- Customized Community Support (Individual)
- Respite
- Non-Medical Transportation
- Supplemental Dental Care
- Nutritional Counseling
- Environmental Modifications.
Children also have access to services such as: the Medicaid School Based Services Program, the Medicaid Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program, services offered by the New Mexico State Department of Education, or the Early Childhood Education and Care Department. For the purposes of EPSDT service eligibility, the definition of “child” is an individual under the age of 21.