The Health Care Authority’s mission is: We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.
Information About Abortion
Types of abortions
- There are medication abortions and procedural abortions.
- Medication abortions are available up to 11 weeks from the first day of your last period. You take one medication called mifepristone in the clinic or at home, and another medication called misoprostol at home or in a safe, comfortable environment. Medication abortion is also available via telehealth.
- Procedural abortions are available before or after 11 weeks from the first day of your last period. A doctor will dilate your cervix and use instruments inside the uterus to remove the pregnancy.
- For more information on the different types of abortions, visit these websites:
What to expect at the abortion clinic
- Your appointment at the abortion clinic may take a few hours. There is no waiting period in New Mexico after you are seen at the clinic. You may be able to get everything done in one day depending on the dates of your pregnancy. Abortions for pregnancy after 16 weeks can take two days.
- There may be people protesting outside the clinic. Abortion clinics have security to keep patients and staff safe.
- Clinics will have different rules about bringing a support person with you into your appointment.
- At your appointment, you will get counseling about your abortion options, sign a consent form, and have your vital signs checked. You may also have lab testing and an ultrasound to make sure you have the right pregnancy dates, and see where your pregnancy is located.
- Some clinics may also offer testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and contraception (birth control).
What to expect after an abortion
People have a lot of emotions after an abortion – whatever you feel is normal and valid. If you would like to talk to someone about your feelings after your abortion, you can find resources at All-Options Talkline.
You can get pregnant again shortly after an abortion, even if you have not had your period again. Talk to your doctor about birth control options if you do not want to get pregnant again right after your abortion. Your period should go back to normal 4-8 weeks after an abortion.
When to call your provider after an abortion
You should call your abortion clinic or the NMHealth Helpline (1-833-796-8773) if you have any of the following symptoms after an abortion:
- Vaginal bleeding heavy enough to soak through more than two pads per hour for two hours in a row.
- Fever higher than 100.4 degrees F.
- Pain or cramps that are getting worse and not improving with pain medication.
- Vaginal discharge that is thick or smells bad or is abnormal for you.
- You are worried that you still may be pregnant.