We ensure that New Mexicans attain their highest level of health by providing whole-person, cost-effective, accessible, and high-quality health care and safety-net services.

Rural Health Care Delivery Fund


Thanks to everyone who applied for the FY25-FY27 Rural Health Care Delivery Fund. Reviews for FY25-27 are currently underway. We anticipate sharing an update on awardees in December. 

The Rural Health Care Delivery Fund (RHCDF) is a vital initiative aimed at improving access to quality health care in rural New Mexico. With a total of $46 million available for the FY25-27 funding cycle, the RHCDF provides financial support to rural Medicaid providers, helping to offset operational costs in the expansion of essential health care services.

List of all current awardees, service areas, and locations

FY24-26 Funded Organizations

$80 Million funded to 44 rural health care organizations across New Mexico


  • Elite Methadone Clinic: Behavioral health and substance use services serving Sierra, Doña Ana, Socorro, Grant, Catron, Otero, Lincoln, Eddy, and Luna Counties.
  • Meridian Behavioral Health Inc.: Behavioral health serving Cibola, Lea, and Guadalupe Counties.
  • Presbyterian Medical Services: Community health workers serving McKinley, Cibola, Luna, Otero, Torrance, and Quay Counties.
  • Hospital Services Corporation & American Medical Response: Emergency behavioral health transportation in 28 rural counties.
  • MECA, LLC: Autism services in 28 rural counties.


    Northeastern New Mexico

    • De Baca Family Practice Clinic: Dental services serving De Baca and Guadalupe Counties.
    • CHRISTUS St. Vincent: Primary care, obstetrics, behavioral health, oncology, and orthopedics serving Mora, Guadalupe, and Harding.
    • Krossroads Integrative Health and Recovery Solutions, Inc.: Behavioral health and substance use services serving Colfax, Union, San Miguel, Mora Guadalupe, Taos, and Harding Counties. 


      Northwestern New Mexico 

      • Breath of My Heart Birthplace: Midwifery serving Taos, Los Alamos, and Rio Arriba.
      • Family Medicine Associates: Ultrasound services in McKinley County.
      • First Nations Community HealthSource: Mobile health services serving McKinley and Rio Arriba Counties.
      • Cibola Family Health Center: Community health workers serving Cibola & McKinley Counties.
      • El Centro Family Health: Dental services in Rio Arriba and Taos Counties.
      • Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board, Inc.: Outpatient urgent and clinic care in McKinley County.
      • Picuris Pueblo: Primary care, behavioral health, dental and emergency transportation in Taos County.
      • Las Cumbres Community Services: Behavioral health serving Rio Arriba and Taos Counties.


      Southeastern New Mexico 

      • Pinnacle Gastroenterology: Gastroenterology serving Otero and Lincoln Counties.
      • Affirming Heart Victim Services: Behavioral health non-emergency transportation serving Eddy and Lea Counties.
      • Aspire Healthcare: Pediatric cardiology serving Chaves, Eddy, and Luna Counties.
      • BCA Medical Associates: Infant jaundice testing serving Chaves, Eddy, and Luna Counties.
      • Building Bridges Counseling Service LLC: Intensive outpatient program for Youth serving Lea and Eddy Counties.
      • Three Suns Birth: Obstetrics, gynecology, and women’s health serving Curry, Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Eddy Counties.
      • Carlsbad LifeHouse, Inc.: Behavioral health mobile crisis team in Eddy County.
      • La Casa Family Health Center: Optometry services serving Roosevelt and Curry Counties.
      • Guidance Center of Lea County: Behavioral and physical health services in Lea County.
      • Roswell Surgery Center LLC: Ambulatory surgery center serving Chaves, Eddy, Lea, Lincoln, Roosevelt, De Baca, Otero, Curry, and Guadalupe Counties.
      • Nor-Lea Hospital District: Behavioral health services in Lea County.
      • Renew Health: Behavioral health serving Chaves County.
      • JumpStart, LLC: Autism services serving Otero Lincoln, Carlsbad, Eddy, Lea, and Chaves Counties.
      • Coronado Care Center LLC: Behavioral health care, dementia, and memory health care serving Roosevelt County.
      • Las Cruces Primary Care LLC: Primary care services in Otero County.
      • Mental Health Resources, Inc.: Behavioral health serving De Baca, Harding, Quay, Roosevelt, and Curry Counties. 


      Southwestern New Mexico

      • Ben Archer Health Center: Dental services serving Sierra, Otero, and Luna Counties.
      • Mimbres Memorial Hospital: Obstetrics and gynecology, surgical, labor and delivery, nursing home, emergency, and ICU serving Luna, and Hidalgo Counties.
      • Southwest Counseling Center: Behavioral health serving Grant, Luna, and Hidalgo Counties.
      • Southwest Pediatric and Family Care, LLC: Behavioral health services serving Luna and Hidalgo Counties.
      • Healthy Start Pediatrics LLC: Pediatric services in Luna or Sierra County.
      • Casa de Salud: Primary care and behavioral health serving Valencia and Socorro Counties.
      • Paloma Springs Healthcare: Behavioral health care, dementia and memory health care, other mental health care services in Sierra County. 


      Central New Mexico 

      • Heart & Soul of NM, Inc.: Substance abuse intensive outpatient program in Valencia County.
      • Premier Adult Geriatric Health: Geriatric health services in Valencia County. 

      FY25-27 Funded Organizations

      $5.4 Million funded to 4 Access Champions

      (Remaining FY25-27 funding announcement upcoming)

      Access Champions

      • Meridian Behavioral Health Inc.: Expand reentry services for children in state custody and Incarcerated Individuals, and launch Medication-Assisted Treatment services in Cibola, San Miguel, Sandoval, Torrance, and Valencia Counties.  
      • Multicultural Evaluation and Consultation Associates, LLC: Expand maternal health care coordination in Curry, Chaves, Doña Ana, Lea, Quay, and Roosevelt Counties. 
      • Renew Health: Open three new clinics with behavioral health services offering Medication-Assisted Treatment in Chaves, Curry, Doña Ana, Lea, Quay, and Roosevelt Counties. 
      • Santo Domingo Pueblo: Expand Tribal behavioral health and primary care services in Sandoval County 

      FY25-27 Main Cohort: Upcoming

      Resources for Current Applicants

      Overview and Application Guidance Webinar
      Request for Applications Document

      RFA_FINAL_RHCDF 25-27_Updated 9.19.24


        1. Sections: 4.3 and Appendix A4 (9.19.24)
      Review your submission
      1115 Waiver

      New Mexico Turquoise Care 1115 Waiver approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on July 25, 2024


      What are the requirements for eligibility?

      1) Eligible applicants include rural health care facilities and rural health care providers as defined below. 

      • Rural Health Care Facility: Licensed in New Mexico, providing inpatient or outpatient physical, behavioral health, or programmatic services in rural locations.
      • Rural Health Care Provider: Licensed individual health professionals, transportation entities, or organizations providing care in a rural county as defined below.

      2) Eligibility requires service delivery to be in counties with populations of 100,000 or fewer, according to the 2023 federal decennial census. (Eligible Counties: Catron, Chaves, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe, Harding, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Los Alamos, Luna, McKinley, Mora, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, San Miguel, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union, Valencia.) 

      3) Other counties: applicant must apply for exception. 

      1. Rural County Exemption: If “Other” (Bernalillo, Doña Ana, Sandoval, San Juan, Santa Fe) justification:

      o Explanation of why their community or area qualifies as rural. Include relevant information such as population density, geographic isolation, or healthcare access challenges. 

      o Include supporting documentation that the community qualifies under specific criteria, such as Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) scores, Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), or other measures of rurality. 

      4) Must be currently Enrolled as a Medicaid Provider who is actively serving Medicaid recipients. 

      5) Applicant must meet state licensing requirements to provide health care services. 

      Can funds be extended?

      No, all funds must be used within the contracted funding period. 

      What if we don’t meet our goals or intended outcomes as outlined in the contract?

      All contractual obligations related to service delivery must be fulfilled within the specified timeframe to remain compliant with RHCDF requirements. If activities are not completed, organizations may need to return funds to the state.  

      What happens if we don’t use the funds within the allotted time?

      Any unused funds remaining after the grant period ends will not be issued, and any unspent dollars must be returned to the state.  

      Do I have to show receipts?

      Yes, receipts are required for certain processes such as reconciliations and audits. 

      When are the invoices due?

      Invoices can be submitted either monthly or quarterly, depending on your organization’s accounting system. Year-end invoices are due by July 15th 

      Do you operate on a fiscal or calendar year?

      The state of New Mexico operates on a fiscal year, from July 1 to June 30. Quarterly and annual reports, as well as invoices, follow this schedule. 

      How far back can we submit invoices for retroactive payments?

      The funding start date is expected on Jan 1, 2025 (or November 1, 2024, for Access Champion awardees). Funding cannot be applied to work completed before the contract date 

      Contact us

      If you have questions about the RHCDF, please reach out to the contacts below.

      Alex Willey, Strategic Office Staff Manager


      Hala Reeder, Project Specialist
