Mi Via
Mi Via, which means “my path,” “my way,” or “my road” in Spanish, is the State of New Mexico’s self-directed waiver program. The goal of Mi Via is to provide a community-based alternative that facilitates greater participant choice and control over the types of services and supports they receive. The services are purchased with an agreed budgetary amount, and consultants help participants navigate throughout the Mi Via processes. Consultants provide assistance and guidance with eligibility, SSP pre-planning, SSP development and implementation.
The goal of Mi Via is to provide a community-based alternative that, 1) facilitates greater participant choice and control over the types of services and supports that are purchased within an agreed upon budgetary amount; and 2) enables the State to serve the most people possible within available resources.
In 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published Final Rule 2249-F/2296-F which made changes to the 1915 (c) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) waiver program, including a requirement for states to submit HCBS waiver settings transition plans.
The New Mexico Mi Via HCBS Settings Transition Plan can be found here: NM Mi Via HCBS Settings Transition Plan
Statewide Home and Community-Based Services Transition Plan Amendment-June 1, 2015