To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities. 


A visualization of HSD's social impact measures is shown. These measures translate HSD customer cases processed into the impact on the communities we serve. The total amount of SNAP benefits issued are converted to an estimated number of meals provided to New Mexicans. The number of New Mexicans with access to healthcare is generated by looking a the number of individuals with Medicaid coverage. The total number of TANF cases shows how many families were provided shelter and other necessities. The total cases of LIHEAP support provided shows how many homes were heated and cooled for New Mexicans. Child support collections shows the amount supporting each individual child every month.
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Learn more about HSD's Social Impact Measures

A description of the measures and monthly data that can be viewed at the state or county level are available on the HSD Scorecard website.

HSD Customers March 2021

Click here for data source explanation

The Human Services Department provides services and benefits to 1,100,445 New Mexicans through several programs including Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Child Support, and several Behavioral Health Services.

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Office of the Secretary

Meet Dr. David R. Scrase who began serving on Jan. 1, 2019.

The Latest News From HSD

House bill would protect vulnerable New Mexicans

HB 131 set for a House hearing on Friday SANTA FE – The New Mexico Health Care Authority is urging lawmakers to support House Bill 131 to strengthen background checks for caregivers and help ensure the safety of those under their supervision.  HB131, sponsored by...

Health Care Authority seeks $2.2B to strengthen essential services

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