Centennial Care 2.0 Wavier Application (Archive)
Centennial Care Public Information Event Schedule – Fall 2018
Centennial Care Public Event Presentation- February 2019
Presentación del evento público de Centennial Care-Febrero 2019
Centennial Care 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Centennial Care 2.0 Waiver Application
1115 Demonstration Waiver Renewal Application Submitted to CMS
Request for Comments
The Human Services Department, Medical Assistance Division (MAD), welcomed comments from the public about the Medicaid health care program known as Centennial Care and changes to the program being considered as part of the renewal of the Centennial Care federal waiver that will be effective on January 1, 2019. Comments were accepted until 5:00 pm MST on Monday, November 6, 2017. Read below to learn more about the Centennial Care waiver renewal.
The Department also held four public hearings in different regions of the state to receive comments about the draft waiver. Please see below for the locations and times of the hearings.
All comments were reviewed and evaluated to inform additional modifications prior to submission of the final application to CMS.
Public Hearings
Las Cruces – Thursday, October 12, 2017
About Centennial Care 2.0
The New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) is looking at improvements to the Centennial Care (NM Medicaid managed care) program that can be implemented in the “second generation” of that program, which we call “Centennial Care 2.0”. Those changes will be proposed with the input from – and following a thorough review by — stakeholders throughout New Mexico, and they must be approved through a waiver issued by the federal government (CMS).
HSD has released its draft Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver renewal application for Centennial Care 2.0. The draft application outlines how the Department will modify and improve the program for its next iteration that begins in January 2019. The draft application can be reviewed at this link. 1115 Waiver Renewal – Draft Application (revised October 6, 2017)
The public will have several opportunities to provide feedback to the Department about the changes outlined in the draft application during four public hearings in October 2017. After the hearings, the Department will develop its final waiver renewal application for submission to CMS in November 2017. CMS requires states to submit 1115 waiver applications at least one year in advance to allow for sufficient time to negotiate the final terms of the waiver.
The state released a revised draft waiver application on October 6, 2017. A summary of revisions can be found below.
Draft Waiver Application Summary of Revisions – October 6, 2017
(Original Draft Released on September 5, 2017)
Section and Page Number | Summary of Revision |
Cover page |
1.Revised the date from “September 5, 2017” to “Revised October 6, 2017.”
Member Engagement and Cost Sharing Proposal #2: Implement premiums for populations with income that exceeds 100% FPL
1.After receiving feedback from public that the premium enforcement policy was too vague, HSD revised the language below Table 3 to include additional detail about the premium policy and its enforcement.
Member Engagement Proposal #6: Expand opportunities for Native Americans enrolled in Centennial Care
1.After receiving public feedback that the section about collaboration with the Navajo Nation did not provide sufficient detail, HSD revised the language to allow additional collaborations and clarify other requirements related to Indian Managed Care Entities. |
Benefits and Eligibility Proposal #1: Redesign the Alternative Benefit Plan and provide a uniform benefit package for most Medicaid-covered Adults
1.HSD revised the language in the first bullet about redesigning the ABP to clarify that it will not eliminate non-emergency medical transportation for the adult package, but instead include option to leverage new service providers, such as ride sharing companies and new technologies, such as mobile applications. |
Section 3: Waiver List
1.HSD updated the waiver authority request language. |
Table 6 – Renewal Timeline
1.HSD added the public meeting scheduled on October 30, 2017 in Albuquerque in the evening. 2.HSD revised the final waiver application submission date to November 30, 2017 to extend the public comment period and allow 30 days from posting the draft waiver application revisions.
The Centennial Care waiver renewal provides opportunities for HSD to build upon the accomplishments achieved since implementation of Centennial Care. At the same time, HSD has identified opportunities for continued progress in transforming its Medicaid program into an integrated, person-centered, value-based delivery system. Based on feedback received over the past three years at the annual Centennial Care public forums and through recent input sessions with advocacy groups and stakeholders, HSD has identified key areas of refinement for Centennial Care 2.0.
The following list is a summary of program modifications for Centennial Care 2.0 that leverage successful elements of the existing program design, expand initiatives that directly benefit members, and ensure the financial viability and sustainability of the program over the long term:
- Refine care coordination to better meet the needs of high-cost, high-need members, especially during transitions in their setting of care;
- Continue to expand access to Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and maintain the progress achieved in rebalancing efforts;
- Improve the integration of behavioral and physical health services, with greater emphasis on other social factors that impact population health;
- Expand payment reform through value-based purchasing (VBP) arrangements to achieve improved quality and better health outcomes;
- Build upon and incorporate policies that seek to enhance beneficiaries’ ability to become more active, responsible and involved participants in their own health care, including the introduction of modest premiums for higher income populations; and
- Further simplify administrative complexities and implement refinements in program and benefit design, some of which will be achieved with the replacement of the Medicaid Management Information System, including advanced data analytics capability. A summary of this project may be found HERE.
II. Proposed Health Care Delivery System and Eligibility Requirements, Benefit Coverage, and Cost-Sharing
Delivery System & Eligibility Requirements
Centennial Care provides a comprehensive benefit package to eligible populations through an integrated managed care model that includes a number of innovations. The following is a description of the current eligible populations and covered benefits:
Table 1: Eligibility Groups Covered in Centennial Care
Population Group |
Populations |
TANF and Related |
Newborns, infants, and children Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Foster children Adopted children Pregnant women Low-income parent(s)/caretaker(s) and families Breast and Cervical Cancer Refugees Transitional Medical Assistance |
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicaid |
Aged, blind and disabled Working disabled |
SSI Dual Eligible |
Aged, blind and disabled Working disabled |
Medicaid Expansion | Adults between 19-64 years-old up to 133% of Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) |
The following populations are excluded from Centennial Care:
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries;
- Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiaries;
- Qualified Individuals;
- Qualified Disabled Working Individuals;
- Non-citizens only eligible for emergency services;
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE);
- Individuals residing in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IIDs);
- Medically Fragile 1915(c) waiver participants for Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS);
- Developmentally Disabled 1915(c) waiver participants for HCBS; and
- Individuals eligible for family planning services only.
Benefit Coverage
Centennial Care provides a comprehensive package of services that includes behavioral health, physical health, and long-term care services and supports (LTSS). Members meeting a Nursing Facility Level of Care (NF LOC) are able to access LTSS through Community Benefit (CB) services (i.e., home- and community-based services) without a waiver slot. The CB is available through Agency-Based Community Benefit (ABCB) services (services provided by a provider agency) and Self-Directed Community Benefit (SDCB) services (services that a participant can control and direct). Individuals under age 21 who are enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) receive Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services.
Under Centennial Care today, most adults who are enrolled in the Medicaid Expansion category receive services under an Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP). The ABP is a comprehensive benefit package that covers all services that are defined under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as “essential health benefits”, as well as adult dental services. Centennial Care 2.0 proposes to redesign the ABP into a single, comprehensive adult benefit package that would cover both the Medicaid Expansion Category as well as Medicaid adults in the Parent/Caretaker category. The state proposes adding a limited vision benefit to the ABP, and waiving EPSDT services for 19-20 year-olds who are covered under the Adult Expansion or Parent/Caretaker categories. Adults who are considered “medically frail” are exempt from the ABP and may receive the standard Medicaid benefit package, including access to CB services and nursing facility care for individuals who meet the NF LOC criteria.
As outlined in the draft waiver application, the state has proposed some additional refinements to benefits and eligibility, including:
- Developing buy-in premiums (i.e., riders) for dental and vision services, if needed due to state financial constraints;
- Incorporating eligibility requirements of the Family Planning program into Centennial Care 2.0, so that it covers men and women through age 50 with no other health insurance (with certain exceptions);
- Eliminating the three-month retroactive eligibility period for most (non-SSI) Centennial Care members;
- Accelerating the transition off of Medicaid for individuals who are eligible for the Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) program due to increased income;
- Addressing limitations imposed on the use of Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs);
- Requesting federal financial participation to cover former foster care individuals up to age 26 who are former residents of other states;
- Piloting wrap-around services (intensive care coordination) for youth involved with the Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD);
- Piloting a home visiting program that focuses on prenatal care, post-partum care and early childhood development in collaboration with CYFD and the New Mexico Department of Health;
- Securing enhanced administrative funding to expand the availability of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARC) for certain providers;
- Expanding the health home model and developing peer-delivered, pre-tenancy and tenancy support housing services to individuals with complex behavioral health conditions;
- Continuing to provide access to Community Interveners for deaf and blind individuals;
- Continuing to allow all Medicaid-eligible members who meet a NF LOC to have access to home and community-based waiver services without the need for an allocation to the waiver;
- Implementing an ongoing automatic NF LOC approval with specific criteria for members whose condition is not expected to change;
- Increasing the limit of respite hours in the Community Benefit from 100 hours to 300 hours annually;
- Allowing for one-time start-up goods funding when a member transitions from the agency-based community benefit model to self-direction; and
- Establishing limits on costs for certain self-directed Community Benefit services:
- Related Good & Services – $2,000 annual limit
- Non-medical transportation – $1,000 annual limit
- Specialized Therapies – $2,000 annual limit
The Centennial Care 2.0 waiver renewal proposal includes new premiums (monthly payments) for higher income categories of Medicaid. Centennial Care 2.0 also refines co-payment responsibilities that are already in place for some categories of Medicaid, adds co-payments for higher-income individuals in the Adult Expansion Group, and adds new co-payments for individuals in most categories of Medicaid for non-emergency use of the hospital Emergency Department and non-preferred prescription drugs. The charts below summarize the proposed cost-sharing under Centennial Care 2.0. Additional details may be found in the proposed waiver application.
Table 2: Proposed Premium Structure
Note: Native Americans exempt from premiums
FPL Range |
Annual Household Income (Household of 1) |
Aggregate Household Maximum – 5% of Income (Household of 1) |
Applicable Category of Eligibility (COE) |
Monthly Premium 2019 |
Household Rate 2019 |
Monthly Premium Subsequent Years of Waiver (state’s option) |
Household Rate Subsequent Years of Waiver (state’s option) |
101-150% FPL |
$12,060-$18,090 |
$600 |
$10 |
$20 |
$20 |
$40 |
151-200% FPL |
$18,091- $24,120 |
$900 |
$15 |
$30 |
$30 |
$60 |
201-150% FPL |
$24,121- $30,150 |
$1,200 |
$20 |
$40 |
$40 |
$80 |
251-300% FPL |
$30,151-$36,180 |
$1,500 |
$25 |
$50 |
$50 |
$100 |
Note: Native Americans exempt from co-payments
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) |
Working Disabled Individuals |
Other Adult Expansion Group (OAG) |
All Other Medicaid |
Population Characteristics & Eligibility |
Age 0-5: 241-300% FPL Age 6-18: 191-240% FPL |
Up to 250% FPL |
Co-pays apply if income is greater than 100% FPL |
Outpatient office visits (non-preventive)
$5/visit |
$5/visit |
$5/visit |
No co-pay |
Inpatient hospital stays |
$50/stay |
$50/stay |
$50/stay |
No co-pay |
Outpatient surgeries |
$50/surgery |
$50/surgery |
$50/surgery |
No co-pay |
Prescription drugs, medical equipment, and supplies
$2/prescription |
$2/prescription |
$2/prescription |
No co-pay |
Non-Preferred prescription drugs
$8/prescription All FPLs and Categories of Eligibility; certain exemptions will apply |
Non-emergency use of the hospital Emergency Department |
$8/visit All FPLs and Categories of Eligibility; certain exemptions will apply |
III. Estimated Expected Increase or Decrease in Annual Aggregate Expenditures
The following projections utilize actual Centennial Care Demonstration Year 1-3 expenditures, aggregate per capita cost trend data, and enrollment trend data for the program, based on the populations expected to be enrolled in the Centennial Care 2.0 Demonstration.
Historical Enrollment and Expenditure Data |
DY01 (1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014) |
DY02 (1/1/2015 – 12/31/2015) |
DY03 (1/1/2016 – 12/31/2016) |
DY04* (1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017) |
DY05* (1/1/2018 – 12/31/2018) |
Members |
7,360,554 |
8,162,036 |
8,660,504 |
8,946,301 |
9,241,529 |
Aggregate Expenditures |
$4,007,889,032 |
$4,657,506,017 |
$4,571,113,953 |
$4,816,400,126 |
$5,074,848,193 |
Centennial Care 2.0 – Demonstration Years (DY) |
DY01 (1/1/2019 –12/31/2019) |
DY02 (1/1/2020 –12/31/2020) |
DY03 (1/1/2021 –12/31/2021) |
DY04 (1/1/2022 –12/31/2022) |
DY05 (1/1/2023 –12/31/2023) |
Members |
9,426,360 |
9,614,887 |
9,807,185 |
10,003,329 |
10,203,396 |
Aggregate Expenditures |
$5,278,7691,600 |
$5,490,100,477 |
$5,707,781,670 |
$5,941,977,426 |
$6,183,257,976 |
IV. Hypothesis and Evaluation Parameters of the Demonstration
During Centennial Care 2.0, HSD will maintain the original hypotheses and evaluation design plan of Centennial Care, but will add new metrics in order to evaluate the impact of proposed policies and programs presented within this waiver renewal application. The table below describes these hypotheses and how HSD will evaluate the impact.
Table 4 – Quality Goals and Evaluation
Section |
Hypothesis |
Methodology |
Data Sources |
Goal 1: Improve Member outcomes with refinements to care coordination | |||
1.1 | Enhancements to care coordination will result in decreases for avoidable emergency room visits and hospital readmissions. | Track and trend member utilization of avoidable emergency room visits and hospital readmissions and monitor MCO adherence to common chronic disease management and other social support services requirements for care coordination. |
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO reporting
1.2 | Birthing outcomes will improve with pregnant women participating in the home visiting pilot. | Track and trend low birthweight, pre-term birth, prenatal/post-partum visits and well child visits for members in pilot. |
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO reporting
Goal 2: Increase Behavioral Health Integration | |||
2.1 | Member’s utilization of Health Homes will increase. | Track and trend the number of members participating in Health Homes. |
Claims data MCO reporting
2.2 | Treatment outcomes of members participating in Health Homes will improve. | Track and trend Health Homes’ treatment outcomes of common behavioral/physical health conditions and care coordination outcomes such as avoidable emergency room visits, hospital readmissions and follow up after hospitalization for mental illness. |
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO reporting
Goal 3: Expand member access to Long Term Services and Supports | |||
3.1 | Allowing all Medicaid-eligible members who meet a nursing facility level of care to access the Community Benefit will maintain New Mexico’s accomplishments in rebalancing efforts. | Track and trend members accessing community benefits. | Claims data |
3.2 | Increasing caregiver respite hours will improve member outcomes and utilization. | Track and trend member utilization and member outcomes. |
Claims data HEDIS reports |
3.3 | Automatic Nursing Facility Level of Care (NFLOC) approvals will achieve administrative simplification for HSD, the MCOs and members. | Track and trend automatic NFLOC approvals. | MCO reporting |
Goal 4: Increase quality of care with Value Based Payment (VBP) arrangements. | |||
4.1 | Healthcare outcomes will improve for members served by providers that have VBP arrangements for the full delegation of care coordination. | Track and trend member utilization and common chronic disease management outcomes of providers with VBP arrangements that include full delegation of care coordination. |
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO reporting
Implementing incremental minimum VBP requirements will support bending the cost curve of Medicaid program costs through alignment with Centennial Care 2.0 program goals of improving care coordination, focus on transitions of care. | Track and trend program expenditure. |
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO reporting
Goal 5: Promoting Member Engagement and Responsibility | |||
5.1 | Members participating in the Centennial Rewards program will continue to have improved healthcare outcomes with decreases in higher-cost services, such as inpatient stays. |
Track and trend member utilization of preventive services and rewards credits.
Claims data HEDIS reports MCO/Reward Program Contractor reporting
5.2 | Copayments for certain services will drive more appropriate use of services, such as reducing non-emergent use of the emergency department. | Track and trend member utilization of avoidable emergency room visits |
Claims data MCO reporting
5.3 | Premiums will ensure member engagement and smooth the cost-sharing “cliff” between Medicaid and the commercial market. | Track and trend enrollment rates and rate of churn between Medicaid and commercial/private coverage |
Enrollment data Premium collections data |
Goal 6: Improve administrative effectiveness and simplicity. | |||
6.1 | Engaging justice-involved members prior to release will improve their health outcomes and begin to reduce recidivism in time. | Track and trend health outcomes and recidivism rates for justice-involved members who are actively participating in the care coordination program. |
Claims data MCO reporting HEDIS reports |
6.2 | Members will have increased access to inpatient services at an Institution for Mental Disease (IMD). | Track and trend member utilization of IMDs. | Claims data |
Goal 7: Improve Delivery System and Access to Services | |||
7.1 | Members will have increased access to CHWs and CHRs. | Track and trend member utilization. | MCO reporting |
7.2 | Members will have increased access to telehealth. | Track and trend member utilization. | Claims data |
7.2 | Members will have increased access to Patient Centers Medical Homes. | Track and trend member utilization. | MCO reporting |
V. Waiver and Expenditure Authorities
A. Title XIX Waiver Requests
1. | Reasonable Promptness | Section 1902(a)(8) | |
Consistent with existing Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver authority (Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act), to the extent necessary to enable the State to establish enrollment targets for certain HCBS for those who are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid. The State will take into account current demand and utilization rates and will look to increase such enrollment targets in order to appropriately meet the long term care needs of the community. To the extent necessary to enable the State to begin benefit coverage on the first day of the first month following receipt of the required premium by the premium due date for individuals in a Medicaid category of eligibility that requires premiums. To the extent necessary to enable the State to prohibit reenrollment for 3 months for individuals who fail to pay required premiums. |
2. | Amount, Duration and Scope of Services |
Section 1902(a)(10)(B) 42 CFR 400 Subpart B |
To the extent necessary to enable the State to permit managed care plans to offer different value added services or cost-effective alternative benefits to enrollees in Centennial Care.
To the extent necessary to enable the State to offer certain HCBS and care coordination services to individuals who are Medicaid eligible and who meet nursing facility level of care.
To the extent necessary to allow the State to place expenditure boundaries on HCBS and personal care options.
To permit the State to serve adults in the Parent/Caretaker category under the same benefit package as Expansion adults using Secretary-approved ABP coverage. |
3. | Recipient Rewards | Section 1902(a)(10)(C)(i) | |
To the extent necessary to enable the State to exclude funds provided through recipient reward programs from income and resource tests established under State and Federal law for purposes of establishing Medicaid eligibility. | |||
4. | Freedom of Choice |
Section 1902(a)(23) 42 CFR 431.51 |
To enable the State to require participants to receive benefits through certain providers and to permit the State to require that individuals receive benefits through managed care providers who could not otherwise be required to enroll in managed care.
Moreover, all services will be provided through managed care including behavioral health, HCBS and institutional services, except for services received under the existing Developmental Disabilities 1915(c) waiver, Medically Fragile 1915(c) waiver, and the accompanying Mi Via Self-Directed 1915(c) waiver, individuals in an Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID), and individuals in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).
Consistent with the current demonstration, mandatory enrollment of American Indians/Alaska Natives is only permitted for receipt of LTSS. |
5. | Cost Sharing |
Sections 1902(a)(14) and 1916 42 CFR 447.51-447.56 |
To permit the State to impose co-payments for non-emergency use of the emergency room and non-preferred prescription drugs for most categories and income levels; and to impose co-payments on certain populations with household incomes above 100% of the federal poverty level. Co-payments will not be imposed on individuals for whom Indian health care providers, as specified in section 1932(h) of the SSA, have the responsibility to treat.
To permit the State to impose an alternative tracking methodology for the aggregate limit on cost-sharing.
To permit Centennial Care providers to impose missed appointment fees on members. |
6. | Self-Direction of Care | Section 1902(a)(32) | |
To permit persons receiving certain services to self-direct their care for such services. | |||
7. | Retroactive Eligibility |
Section 1902(a)(34) 42 CFR 435.914 |
To enable the State, beginning on January 1, 2019, to waive the requirement to provide medical assistance for up to three months prior to the date that an application for assistance is made for Medicaid for some eligibility groups. | |||
8. | Transitional Medical Assistance (TMA) | Section 1902(e) | |
To permit the state to waive participation in the TMA program for individuals who lose eligibility due to increased earnings. | |||
9. | Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) | ||
To permit the State to provide enhanced administrative funding for LARC to certain Medicaid providers. | |||
10. | EPSDT for Adults (19-20 years old) | Section 1905(a)(4)(B) | |
To permit the State to waive the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) requirements for adults in the Expansion Adult and Parent/Caretaker categories who are 19–20 years-old. | |||
11. | Premiums |
Section 1902(a) (14), 1916, 1916A 42 CFR 447.55, 42 CFR 447.56(f) |
To permit the State to impose premiums on certain populations.
To permit the State to impose an alternative tracking methodology for the aggregate limit on premiums. |
12. | Alternative Benefit Package |
Section 1902(k)(1) and 1937(b) 42 CFR 440.347 |
To enable the State to not provide coverage for habilitative services to the new adult population. | |||
13. | Nursing Facility Level of Care Redeterminations |
Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(IV) 42 CFR 441.302(c)(2)
To enable to State to grant Members that meet specified criteria ongoing NF LOC determination. |
B. Expenditure Authority Requests
Under the authority of the Social Security Act (SSA), Section 1115(a)(2), expenditures made by the State for the items identified below, which are not otherwise included as expenditures under Section 1903 shall, for the period of this demonstration, be regarded as expenditures under the Medicaid State Plan but are further limited by the special terms and conditions for the Section 1115 demonstration.
- Expenditures made under contracts that do not meet the requirements in Section 1903(m) of the SSA specified below. Managed care plans participating in the demonstration will have to meet all the requirements of Section 1903(m), except the following:
- Section 1903(m)(2)(H) and Federal regulations at 42 CFR 438.56(g), but only insofar as to allow the State to automatically reenroll an individual who loses Medicaid eligibility for a period of 90-days or less in the same managed care plan from which the individual was previously enrolled.
- Expenditures for recipient reward programs.
- To the extent necessary, expenditures for valued added services and/or cost-effective alternative services to the extent those services are provided in compliance with federal regulations and the 1115 demonstration.
- Expenditures for direct payments made by the State to the Safety Net Care Pool (SNCP), where hospitals receive payments out of a pool.
- Expenditures under contracts with managed care entities where either the State or the managed care entity will provide for payment for Indian health care providers as specified in Section 1932(h) of the SSA for covered services furnished to Centennial Care managed care plan recipients at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) rates.
- Expenditures for Centennial Care recipients who are age 65 and older and adults age 21 and older with disabilities and who would otherwise be Medicaid-eligible under SSA Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(VI) and 42 CFR §435.217 in conjunction with SSA section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(V), if the services they receive under Centennial Care were provided under an Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver granted to the State under SSA Section 1915(c) as of the initial approval date of this demonstration. This includes the application of spousal impoverishment eligibility rules.
- Expenditures to provide HCBS not included in the Medicaid State Plan to individuals who are eligible for Medicaid.
Centennial Care 2.0 Concept Paper
Since October of 2016, the Department has been soliciting ideas and feedback from various stakeholders(and the public) to inform the changes it plans to implement. A pre-application Concept Paper was released in May 2017 and numerous public input sessions were held throughout the state in June 2017 to receive comments about the concepts presented in the paper. The Department incorporated feedback received into the development of the draft waiver application.
The pre-application Concept Paper and presentation for the Centennial Care 2.0 waiver renewal can be found here:
- Centennial Care 2.0 Concept Paper
- Centennial Care 2.0 Presentation
- Centennial Care 2.0 Tribal Meeting Presentation
Proposed changes in Centennial Care are explained in the concept paper, and they will be discussed further in public meetings around the state (see schedule below). Additionally, the public is welcome to submit comments to HSD using the link below.
Other documents related to the waiver renewal application development process for Centennial Care 2.0:
- MAC Subcommittee Member Recommendations
- NATAC Recommendations
- Public Comments from Subcommittee Process
- MMIS Replacement Project Overview
Schedule of past meetings related to the waiver application development process for Centennial Care 2.0:
Public Meetings (Presentations and Public Comments):
Centennial Care Waiver Renewal Concept Paper Presentation
- Albuquerque: Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
CNM Workforce Training Center (5600 Eagle Rock Ave. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113) - Silver City: Monday, June 19, 2017, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
WNMU – GRC Auditorium (1000 W. College Ave., Silver City, NM 88061) - Farmington: Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Bonnie Dallas Senior Center (109 E. La Plata St., Farmington, NM 87401) - Roswell: Monday, June 26, 2017, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Roswell Public Library (301 N. Pennsylvania Ave., Roswell, NM 88201)
Tribal Consultation:
Centennial Care Waiver Renewal Tribal Consultation Presentation
- Albuquerque: Friday, June 23, 2017, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (2401 12th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104)
Meetings and documents related to the Centennial Care 2.0 waiver renewal application process:
February 10, 2017, 1115 Waiver Renewal Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentation
- Other Meeting Documents
- Recommendations
- NATAC Recommendations
- Public Comments
January 13, 2017, 1115 Waiver Renewal Subcommittee
December 16, 2016, 1115 Waiver Renewal Subcommittee
November 14, 2016, 1115 Waiver Renewal Subcommittee
October 14, 2016, 1115 Waiver Renewal Subcommittee
Submit a comment:
HSD continues to welcome input from New Mexicans regarding the Centennial Care program. To submit a comment, please fill out the online form below. You may also email it directly to or send it by mail to:
Human Services Department
ATTN: HSD Public Comments
P.O. Box 2348
Santa Fe, NM 87504-2348